The Otterhound: A Rare and Distinguished Scent Hound  > Dog Breeds >  The Otterhound: A Rare and Distinguished Scent Hound

The Otterhound, a breed distinguished by its uncommon presence and notable history, is a true gem in the canine world. Originally bred in England for the now-outlawed purpose of hunting otters, the Otterhound’s roots can be traced back to medieval times. This breed’s unique skill set was developed to track and hunt otters, which were considered a threat to fishing stocks. Today, with otter hunting a thing of the past, the Otterhound stands as a rare and cherished breed, celebrated for its distinctive appearance, amiable nature, and impressive scenting abilities.

Physically, the Otterhound is a large, robust dog, weighing between 80 to 115 pounds and standing up to 27 inches tall at the shoulder. One of their most striking features is their dense, shaggy double coat, which is waterproof and rough to the touch, designed to protect them in cold and wet environments. Their coat can come in a variety of colors, including grizzle, wheaten, black and tan, and blue and cream. The Otterhound’s large, webbed feet are another distinctive trait, enabling them to be excellent swimmers. Their broad head with a strong jaw, deep chest, and large, droopy ears give them a distinctive, somewhat rugged appearance.

The Otterhound’s temperament is characterized by its friendly and cheerful disposition. They are known for being affectionate and good-natured, making them excellent family pets. Despite their size, they are often gentle with children and can coexist peacefully with other pets if properly socialized. However, due to their hunting heritage, they may have a strong prey drive, which needs to be managed, especially around smaller animals.

This breed is renowned for its excellent sense of smell, being one of the best among hounds. Their tracking ability is exceptional, and while they are no longer used for hunting, these skills can be channeled into activities like tracking and search and rescue operations. The Otterhound’s intelligence and independence can make training a challenge, as they can be easily distracted by interesting scents. Therefore, patient and consistent training methods are essential, as is providing them with enough mental stimulation to keep them engaged.

One of the challenges of owning an Otterhound is their grooming needs. Their thick, oily coat requires regular maintenance to prevent matting and to keep it in good condition. This includes regular brushing and occasional bathing, though care must be taken to preserve the coat’s natural oils.

Health-wise, the Otterhound is generally robust but can be prone to certain conditions typical of large breeds, such as hip dysplasia. They may also be at risk for bloat, a potentially life-threatening condition. Regular veterinary check-ups and a well-managed diet are important for their overall health.

The Otterhound’s love for water and swimming makes them ideal for families who enjoy outdoor activities near lakes or beaches. They require regular exercise to maintain their physical health and to manage their energy levels. Due to their size and exercise needs, they are best suited to homes with ample space, although they can adapt to various living situations if their exercise needs are met.

In conclusion, the Otterhound is a breed that embodies a unique blend of historical significance, distinctive appearance, and amiable character. Their rarity adds to their appeal, making them a special choice for dog enthusiasts who are drawn to their charm and capabilities. For those prepared to meet their grooming and exercise needs, the Otterhound offers a rewarding, affectionate companionship and a glimpse into a fascinating chapter of canine history.